This drill helps simplify that wrist and hand action in the golf swing and will improve your consistency of contact.
Here's a quick drill that requires no props and can be done at the range every time you practice. It will help with solid contact and improve direction.
Here's a quick drill if you are experiencing the shanks AKA shots off the inside part of the club.
Learning the proper posture ensures that the club smoothly brushes the grass at the ball and is an essential fundamental.
Learning the basics of the grip will help you control the direction of your shots and improve distance.
Improving your short game is the fastest way to lower your scores. Here are the basic fundamentals to hit a high and low shot.
The slice is the most common ball flight for amateur golfers. Here are 3 tips to help you hit it far and straight.
Here's a great drill if you are experiencing slicing or having trouble hitting your longer golf clubs.